Catalysis and supramolecular chemistry

Team leader : Prof.Anne Ponchel

Team leader foreword

The CASU team is located in Lens and includes 15 Teachers-Researchers (4 Prs and 11 MCFs). The themes of this team are multidisciplinary and combine skills in Homogeneous Catalysis, Heterogeneous Catalysis, Supramolecular Chemistry, Organic Synthesis and Chemical Engineering. 8 Teachers-Researchers fall under section 32, 5 under Section 31 and 2 under section 62. It was created ex nihilo in 1992 and has continued to develop ever since. The CASU team enjoys national and international recognition. In recent years, members of the CASU have been invited to give lectures at major international congresses in the field of Catalysis or Cyclodextrins. The team has extensive relations with foreign research groups (Germany, China, Denmark, Spain, Lithuania, India, Italy, Ukraine, South Africa). It participates actively in regional (CPER), national (GDR, ANR) or international (PHC) research programs. As part of the «Investments for the Future» program, it was selected to be part of two Institutes for Energy Transition (ITE PIVERT and IFMAS).


Anne Ponchel, Professor at Univ. Artois

Team members

Name Function Employer
Rudina Bleta Assistant Professor Univ. Artois
Herve Bricout Assistant Professor Univ. Artois
Michel Ferreira Assistant Professor Univ. Artois
Bastien Leger Assistant Professor Univ. Artois
Cecile Machut Assistant Professor Univ. Artois
Stephane Menuel Assistant Professor Univ. Artois
Eric Monflier Professor Univ. Artois
Sebastien Noel Assistant Professor Univ. Artois
Anne Ponchel Professor Univ. Artois
Sebastien Rio Assistant Professor Univ. Artois
Cyril Rousseau Assistant Professor Univ. Artois
Jolanta Rousseau Assistant Professor Univ. Artois
Sebastien Tilloy Professor Univ. Artois
Frederic Wyrwalski Assistant Professor Univ. Artois