Theses subjects
PhD thesis
UCCS is affiliated to the doctorla school "Materials, Radiation and Environmental Sciences (N. 104 - EDSMRE). For more information, visit the website of EDSMRE
Open positions for PhD studies at UCCS - (updated : 02/07/2024)
Thesis title : Synthèse de PuCl3 en sels fondus chlorés.
Thesis supervisor : Pr. Marie COLMONT, Pr Murielle RIVENET
Abstract & contact
Thesis title : Réactivité des métaux de transition dans les sels-fondus chlorés pour réacteurs modulaires avancés (AMR).
Thesis supervisor : Pr. Marie COLMONT, Pr Murielle RIVENET
Abstract & contact
Thesis title : Mechanisms involved in the stability of radioactive noble gases trapping in innovative porous materials
Thesis supervisor : Pr. Christophe VOLKRINGER, Dr Philippe NERISSON (Co-supervisor, IRSN)
Thesis title : Modification des propriétés de matrices carbonées : étude de la croissance des microdomaines de Dichalcogénures de Métaux de Transition par sulfuration de précurseurs
Thesis supervisor : Dr. Pascal BLANCHARD, Pr Carole LAMONIER
Thesis title : Disordered MOFs and consequences in piezocatalysis
Thesis supervisor : Dr. Jérémy DHAINAUT, Dr. Yannick LORGOUILLOUX
Thesis title : Valorization of biosourced molecules through photocatalyzed hydrogen atom transfer reactions. Aplication to the synthesis of polymer materials and biologically relevant molecules.
Thesis supervisor : Pr Eric DENIAU, Pr Stéphane LEBRUN
Thesis title : FEATHER : Polymérisation coordinative de l'éthylène et de 1,3-diène par navette catalysée par le fer
Thesis supervisor : Dr Yohan CHAMPOURET et Pr. Marc VISSEAUX
Thesis title : WASTENOT : Transformation/Valorisation de Déchets Plastiques Polyoléfine en Nouveaux Matériaux d’intérêt par Compatibilisation
Thesis supervisor : Dr Yohan CHAMPOURET et Pr. Marc VISSEAUX
Thesis title : Energy and Industrial Transition: development of new high-efficiency materials for solar thermal applications.
Thesis supervisor : Pr. N. Fatah
Thesis title : Development of new catalysts for the controlled thermocatalytic decomposition of ammonia for hydrogen production
Thesis supervisors: Dr Axel LÖFBERG and Dr Teddy ROY
Thesis title : Low-dimensional MAgnetoCalorics for Efficient Refrigeration (LOW-MACER).
Thesis supervisors: CR. Angel AREVALO-LOPEZ, DR Olivier MENTRE
Important information to read before applying:
The position for which you are applying is likely to be located in a "restricted area" within the meaning of article R. 413-5-1 of the penal code. If this is the case, your appointment and/or assignment can only take place after access authorization has been issued by the head of the institution, in accordance with the provisions of article 20-4 of decree n°84-431 of June 6, 1984.