Remediation and catalytic materials

Team leader: Dr Mélissandre Richard

Team leader foreword

The activities of the ReMCat team concern the catalytic decontamination of atmospheric pollutants from stationary (industries) and mobile (vehicles) sources. The ReMCat team integrates numerous skills in heterogeneous catalysis that include the synthesis and characterization of new catalytic formulations, the evaluation of their performance through advanced catalytic tests, the advanced characterization of catalysts by infrared spectroscopy operando, the kinetics of reactions (SSITKA) and the modeling of reactors. This set of skills in environmental catalysis allows us to develop original processes that combine different technologies (storage / catalysis, plasma / catalysis) for a more effective treatment of air pollution.


Mélissandre Richard, Assistant Professor at Centrale Lille

Team members

Name Function Employer
Fabien Dhainaut Assistant Professor Centrale Lille
Christophe Dujardin Professor Centrale Lille
Jean-Marc Giraudon Assistant Professor Univ. Lille
Pascal Granger Professor Univ. Lille
Jean-Francois Lamonier Professor Univ. Lille
Mélissandre Richard Assistant Professor Centrale Lille